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Managing projects

Projects are the main way to organise and distribute your 360° content to audiences. You can create a project and set a name, address and assign them to a client. More information about clients can be found here.

360 Manage create a project page

Projects can be edited by selecting it in the "Projects" list. From there, click the three-dot menu and select "Edit project details".

360 Manage edit projects page

A project consists of the following:

  • A name,
  • An address,
  • An optional client,
  • A collection of assigned views,
  • A collection of resources, and
  • A collection of assigned users.

Creating a new project

To create a client, click "Projects" from the home page or sidebar. Then, click Create project.

Editing an existing project

You can edit a project by selecting it in the "Projects" list. From there, click the three-dot menu and select "Edit project details".

You can also edit a project while editing a client by clicking any project under the "manage projects" list.

Assigning users

Similar to views, users can be assigned to a project. Assigned users have access to all views that are assigned to this project.

  • New users can be invited and directly assigned by clicking Invite user.
  • Existing users can be assigned to the project by ticking their entry in the list and clicking Save changes.

These are the people that will be looking at your various projects, views and resources, but they can also help you manage the various content on 360 Manage. They could also be co-workers, friends, family... anyone who might help you manage your projects.

Users can be assigned one of the following roles:

  • Owner
  • Administrator
  • Project Manager
  • Contributor
  • Viewer

For more information on users, see Users

Assigning resources

Resources are a way to attach documents or URLs to a project. These resources might be a floor plan, design document, a link to external files, or a web page with further information about a project.

Each resource can have a minimum allowed user role set, which will cause the resource to not be shown in 360 View if the user who has signed in has a lower role than the minimum.

For example: if a floor plan document is added, and the minimum role for this document is set to Project Manager, users with the Project Manager, Owner and Administrator roles will see the document in 360 View. However, any users with Contributor or Viewer role will not see the document.

There are some limitations to what can be uploaded:

  • URLs must use the HTTPS protocol, and as such must start with "https://". For more information on the HTTPS protocol, here is a helpful article from CloudFlare:
  • Document uploads are limited to the PDF file format, and can't be larger than 10 MB.

Assigning views

360 Manage edit view interface

Views are containers that hold your 360° images. Views can only be created under a project.

To create a new view, click Create view under the views accordion while editing a project.

To edit a view, simply click on it. This will take you to a page that will allow you to edit the name, tags and image of a view.

For more information, visit Views

Sharing a project

Projects can be shared with others via a QR code. Depending on the status, a project can be shared with anyone, or only with users that have been assigned to the project.

For more information, visit Sharing.

Managing status of a project

Projects can either be published or archived.

For more information, please visit content status